Thursday, March 06, 2008

This is absolutely idiotic

The Canadian Health care system is stretched to the max and yet Doctors say, oh let's just put our elderly into care facilities.

Yes, I happened to have to see mine today (for me--updated him on Gram) and we got to talking about Gram slipping into the dementia phase of the Parkinson's and he said at some point she may have to go into long term care. For me that is the worst possible news I could have heard.

I don't like care facilities for seniors. I never have and I never will. They remind me too much of the barracks used by the Nazi's in their concentration camps during the war.

What bugs me most about the situation is, why would you take a senior out of their comfort zone/familiar environment and transplant them into a situation, where nothing is familiar. It's stupid.

Especially in Gram's case. This is a woman who because of the Parkinson's is physically unable to get to sharp objects, with which she could harm herself or others. I dispense her meds (so she can't get to them and possibly overdose). She physically unable to move around so there is no danger of her leaving the house unless I know about it. So why wouldn't it be best for her to stay in her own home.

Have we as a society gotten so jaded, that when it comes time to place a loved one in a facility, we go along happily. To me, if an elderly person, with assistance can remain in their own home/familiar surroundings then why not explore that option first.

What happened to respect for your elders? Am I the only one who still practices that? *shakes head in disgust*

Just remember people, karma can be a pain to handle, and believe me what goes around comes around.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sis. I agree that care centers for seniors are not exactly safe, these days. So many abuse stories have hit the news over the past several years that it's a wonder anyone still takes their elderly relatives to those places. They're so sterile and cold...

I think what you're doing by caring for Gram at home is amazing; it's not something just anyone can do, that's for sure. It just goes to show how much you love her, and I have nothing but respect for that.

I think that society has essentially screwed itself. We're always in a hurry, we never have time to relax or spend time with our families, anymore, and it seems like all the old values have been almost completely replaced by the rush to accumulate as many material possessions as possible. I could go on about that, but I won't.

Anyway, I think you're doing the right thing by Gram. You have respite care, and you have the nurses coming in to help with Gram's medical needs; until Gram is ready to go Home, I personally think it should just stay that way.


Anonymous said...

Actually, Shari, the site with all the problems is not the family site. I was talking about Care2 and Facebook. I thought that talking about constant glitches would give that away without me having to name the site. And Facebook - well, Facebook is Facebook. *shrug*

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis, just popping in to see what's new and let you know I'm thinking about you. *hug*