Saturday, June 30, 2007

My take on the Chris Benoit tragedy

While a lot of people continue to speculate that the horrific acts committed against Nancy and Daniel Benoit by Chris Benoit were the result of steroid usage, I disagree.

Something in this whole thing is fishy to me. For example when Chris's co-workers received the now famous text messages, why weren't the police notified immediately. Why did the WWE wait so long especially when one of the co-workers stated that Chris's "I love you" comment was out of character.

Based on the following timeline;

I have a strong feeling that Vince McMahon and the WWE organization are covering up their involvement (?) in this tragedy.

For one thing, Chris's Wikipedia entry was changed at 12:01am on Monday June 25th, way before anyone knew what had happened to him and his family.

Now all of sudden, there is an anonymous poster admitting he was the one who changed the entry, during a chat with other online buddies. Still to even speculate that Nancy was dead as the reason behind Chris' no show at the PPV event in Texas on Sunday June 24th, is odd to me. You see the posting was made from an IP address in Stanford, Connecticut, where WWE's head office is located. And why is this anonymous poster refusing to identify himself, (I know if I did something like that, I would own up to it and identify myself). Could it be that he was an employee of the WWE and is now being set up as the fall guy.

Although the toxicology reports are not in as yet, my feelings about the tragedy are that Chris Benoit is being set-up to be the fall guy/scapegoat for this.

My take on this is, yes Daniel was developmentally challenged (he was seven years old and just finishing kindergarten? Most kids his age, would be ready to enter grade 2). I have a feeling that Chris had promised Nancy that when Daniel did start school he (Chris) would be home more to help (any pictures I've seen of Chris and Daniel together show a father who doted on his little boy), and I don't think Vince or the WWE board were too happy about that, especially since they wanted Chris to help train younger wrestlers on ECW (where he had just been transferred to).

So I have a feeling that Vince or someone on the board perhaps, took matters into their own hands and decided to send someone (goons, perhaps) down to reason with Chris (may even have included Chavo Guerrero, who knows) and convince him his career was more important than his family. This would explain the presence of the empty wine bottle and beer cans.

Something else that bothers me. Daniel was choked by a wrestling hold and yet Nancy was strangled with a wire around her neck (hands and feet were bound). If Chris was as strong as everybody claimed why not do the same thing to both of them.

My gut instinct says this is actually what happened. Chris gets a phone call from Nancy to return home because of "an emergency". He does and finds the goons sitting with his wife and son. The goons deliver the message from the WWE. Chris tells them to tell whoever sent the message, to take a long walk off a short pier, his family comes first. At some point Daniel is taken out of the room (was he drugged, who knows) and Chris is forced to watch as the goons kill Nancy. They then give Chris another chance to fulfill his obligations to the WWE. He again tells them to go to Hades and later that day is either forced to (perhaps at gun point) kill Daniel himself or watch as it is done. Then Chris is ganged upon again, the goons telling him, he has now has no reason not to continue with the WWE. Chris tells them, not only is he leaving the WWE, he will go public with what's happened. So, the goons (may have received further instructions) that if Chris still refuses to co-operate, off him and make it look like a suicide.

Chris was found hanging from one of his weight machines. Most weight machines I know about work on pulleys and the person using them is in front of the weights pulling on them. How would Chris be able to hold the weights in place while he fixed the rope around himself, and then let go. Something strange about that whole scenario.

And the steroids found in the house. I'll bet they were ordered over the Net by someone using Chris Benoit's name (don't forget about ID theft).

No, unfortunately the true answers about this tragedy will never come out, and quite possibly a man who was innocent of doing this, will take the blame for something he had nothing to do with, other than putting them as priority number 1 in his life.