Wednesday, December 06, 2006

And Brother does it get better....

or should that be Mother does it get worse.

Where to start today. I think I mentioned she is dangerous around fire-related objects. That is true even of the clothes dryer. I made the mistake of going out on Tuesday and letting her and the gal that comes in to give me some respite care with looking after my Grandmother do the laundry. The laundry wasn't the problem, it was when it got put in the dryer. Neither of them thought to check or empty the lint catcher, which when I went to use the dryer today was so full of lint, it was actually falling off the catcher.

Okay, I can live with that, because I will always check the lint catcher (I guess I'll just have to remember to do it before allowing her to use the dryer), but it was only the start of things to come.

I mentioned in an earlier post about her making plans to see one of our cousins in a remote part of the province and how I had spent twenty minutes showing her the links and sites she needed to use. Well, she tried it on her own computer today and had to have me come into her bedroom and reshow her because she was having a problem. A problem that was very obvious to me as soon as I saw what she had done. She had been using a search engine and had selected pages from Canada instead of letting the search engine do its work, and couldn't figure out why it wasn't working. I haven't told her yet that when searching for a Canadian company which provides services for International tourists, you do not search strictly in Canada.

Right now I wish I had an emoticon that showed a person banging its head against a brick wall, because that is what I feel I am doing when it comes to my Mother.

The clincher was when I began using our Microwave to thaw out some homemade Chili for supper. I don't mind the fact that occasionally Mom will interrupt it to warm up her cup of coffee. What I do mind is when that is finished, is her not putting it back or giving me a heads up so I can restart it.

I quizzed her about that tonight when she returned from doing some errands, (and surprised myself by not losing my temper). Her answer almost made me say something sarcastic however. She replied by apologizing and saying that she "she wasn't with it." Well for those of you who know my relationship with my biological mother, yes was tempting to say "when are you ever with it!!!", but for Gram's sake and mine, I kept my mouth shut.

Still more fun to come, you can rest assured of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww Sis... :(

I wish I knew what to do with Mom. She just doesn't seem to get that people can't read her mind (not that doing that would be safe, anyway, all things considered) and that she has to actually tell you what she's doing. *sigh* I wish you could put in some kind of frustrated emoti, too, sweetie, but since you can't, maybe this will help:


There. Feel better? :)