Wednesday, August 29, 2007

You know your tired when

of all things, changing a cat litter box makes you hungry.

Earlier tonight, I was as I like to tell my cat family, cleaning their bathrooms (aka litter boxes). I entirely dumped out the old cat litter into a garbage bag and then took the tray to the the sink and prepared it to be scrubbed out. (I'm super cautious, I don't scoop litter out, I empty and replace after cleaning).

While I was scrubbing out the second one, I noticed a strange feeling coming over me. Stopping for a minute, I began analyzing what that feeling was and to my astonishment/embarrassment realized it was hunger pangs. I had to laugh as I realized the significance of what I was doing. Cleaning out a litter box that our cats do their business in was making me hungry for food. Strange very strange.

Not sure what to make of it. Maybe after a goodnight sleep it will become clear but right now, who knows.

Pleasant dreams everyone


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you were cleaning right around the time you eat supper, Shari. No mystery there, I'm afraid. Although I will say this is the first time I've ever heard of someone actually feeling hungry while cleaning out poop. ROFLMAO! :D

Anonymous said...

I went to visit your other journal (I'm trying to catch up with everyone now that I'm home), and it was gone. :( I was really sorry to see that, but I can understand why it happened. I hope you'll start writing more here, Sis; I enjoy reading your thoughts and ideas on things. *hug*

Anonymous said...

Hey, Sis. How are the new kittens? Is Mama okay? How many new babes were there? You are going to write about them, aren't you? :)