Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Don't let Adults around fire producing objects...

We always tell kids not to play with matches or fire. Well I think someone forgot to tell the adults the same thing, especially when the adults don't know what in blazes (pardon the pun) they are doing.

My Mother (who would forget her head if it wasn't attached) in an effort to make things nice for my Grandmother, has been cleaning up Gram's house. I would have done it (except for reasons I am choosing not to divulge at this time). Well today, Mother dearest was cleaning the stove, and managed for reasons I still don't understand to just barely turn on the oven, so the house was filling up with the smell of leaking gas. It took until I came out of my bedroom before I discovered the cause of the problem. I don't know how long it had been like that but it was long enough let me tell you.

For those of you reading this blog who know of the personal issues between my Mother and myself, let me just add, "I knew when she came home from her summer sabbatical my work load would double!!!!!"

More to come let me tell you.

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