Friday, November 16, 2007

Update on the newest brood

As many of you know, 10 weeks ago tomorrow, we welcomed an additional six kittens. Well today is a day of mixed emotions for me.

3 of the 6 kittens have gone to their new homes. One ginger to a friend of my cousins, the black one to my cousin and the calico to my aunt.

My heart is torn, and I am fighting my emotions at seeing them go, but my head, being ever the realist, reminds me that this was a decision that had to be made. The city where Gram and I live has a bylaw that you can only have 6 of any animal (cats, dogs, etc.), so the younger ones have to go, because Gram and I are more attached to the older ones and they are to us.

Mom Cat (Belle) has been acting strange all day. She's hardly touched her food and usually when I head out to feed the brood, she's the first one squawking that she's hungry.

I've told her (not sure she understands) that this had to be done and if she is upset, she is to be upset with me. After all, against my better judgment I let her out and because of that we face this type of problem.

Yes, I blame myself. Had I not gone against my better judgment, this day would never have come.

I just hope Belle and the other cats can somehow forgive me and that somehow I find the strength to forgive myself.

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