Sunday, May 28, 2006

While we continue to debate the best course of...

action to deal with abusers and potential abusers, the statistics continue to pile up. This is a link to the latest incident;

And this was a Doctor; an educated man. The kids were four and eight years old.

I for one am tired of talking. We need decisive action and we need it now.

The parenting idea is good, but we can't wait until they are in their twenties before we start teaching them. Kids today are having sex as young as 14 or 15, so the high schools need to have this parenting course in place. And course cannot be taught by a teacher/adult. The best way to get through to kids is to have it be taught by other kids, kids who have been there done that and can mentor the kids who are still free from doing that.

I know for a fact that a lot of kids, who are from abusive homes, look at their first relationship with a boy as a way to break free from the abuse. Without this course, they could be going from one abusive relationship (parent) to another (spouse), simply because someone is giving them the attention they should have received from their parents.

To be continued....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Without this course, they could be going from one abusive relationship (parent) to another (spouse), simply because someone is giving them the attention they should have received from their parents."

You've hit the nail on the head with that comment - I know, because I've been there. Children, whether boys or girls, will turn to those who give them affection, and they won't care that maybe they're getting hurt. If they're getting some kind of positive attention and love - even once in awhile - in their minds, that's all that matters.

Yes, we need decisive action, and yes, we need it NOW. But the problem is - as it has always been - that society still seems to be caught in that misconception that what goes on behind closed doors is no one's business. Children as young as 11 years old are having sex, my friend, and it's a sad, sad thing.

I like the idea of having kids who have been there mentoring other kids. Children learn best from other children, it's true; they're more apt to listen to their peers than they are to adults...

The big question is, and always has been, How do we as a society break this endless cycle once and for all?